Weekend SCOOP: An Inspiring Story & A Mysterious Roman Relic
Looking for a feel-good moment to start your weekend? We share a touching story about last month's $1.3 billion Powerball jackpot winner below. Our SmartHER Tip? Grab a tissue before you read. Find this story and more in your Weekend SCOOP. Grab a cup of coffee and ENJOY! ☕

🎙️ Want more news? You can listen to our latest SCOOP podcast by direct download HERE or on podcasting platforms everywhere (Apple Podcasts, Spotify).

"Monster Hurricanes": As the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season approaches, experts begin releasing their forecasts. P.S. Shop our SmartHER Emergency and First Aid picks to prepare.
Who Is A "Career Activist"? A profile of one 63-year-old among protestors at Columbia University.
Mysterious Roman Relic: How an approximately 1,700-year-old Roman object sparks curiosity and unusual theories.
"Portraits of Courage": More than 60 of President George W. Bush's oil paintings featuring active U.S. service members and veterans will soon be on display at Disney's Epcot park.
Military Makeover: The Battleship New Jersey has served in more military campaigns than any other U.S. vessel. The ship is currently receiving "an overdue face-lift" before becoming a museum and memorial.
How Old Is Too Old? As car ownership becomes increasingly expensive, people have started holding onto their cars for longer. Is this a good idea?
Speaking Of Age: A recent study out of Germany shares insights into perceptions on when people believe "old age" begins.
"Empty the Shelters": Learn how the BISSELL Pet Foundation helps animals across the nation find a home.
A quick round up of a few other interesting stories we covered this week on SmartHERNews.com:
✓ President Joe Biden addresses the nation on protests at college campuses. 🇺🇸
✓ The Federal Reserve holds interest rates steady, citing a "lack of further progress" on inflation. 💵
✓ A new study suggests positive impacts of banning smartphones in middle schools ~ "... banning smartphones from school could be a low-cost policy tool to improve student outcomes." 📱

Honor Mom's Treasures: From a tattered pair of hiking boots to a beloved piece of art, honor the treasures of the mom in your life with an Artifcts membership – a whole new way to preserve your family's story.
How do you Artifct? Pick an object. Take a photo. Tell the story. Think of it like an interactive scrapbook.
The Perfect Gift For Mother's Day ~ Sunday, May 12 ~ (Or any day for someone special). Buy now and receive a printable gift card to add to a bouquet or card.
We're curious. What would you Artifct?
And that's your weekend SCOOP!
Jenna and the SHN Team
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🎉 Jackpot: Last month, Cheng “Charlie” Saephan of Portland, Oregon, became one of the winners of a $1.3 billion Powerball jackpot. Saephan was born in Laos and has been battling cancer for several years. He and his wife plan to split the money with his friend who contributed $100 to buy a batch of lottery tickets. After taxes, the winners will receive the money in a lump sum payment of $422 million. Along with providing for his family, Saephan plans to use the prize money on finding a “good doctor …”